Point of Sale & Credit Cards: the necessary evil of any business which collects payments. If asked a decade ago, most of us would have thought the Internet would have simplified (or at least lowered the cost of) accepting credit cards. Sadly, it hasnt happened.

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Square also allows even the smallest businesses to offer both electronic & physical giftcards.  Few, if any businesses have the capital to justify building such a proprietary infrastructure for themselves.  With Square, there's no need. Your company's gift cards work as easily as any other credit cards.  

Here's Square in a nutshell:

  • No monthly anything
  • 100% paperless reporting
  • Point of sale from tablets to smartphones
  • Square makes a flat percentage on every transaction,
  • use them a lot, that fee flattens and falls.

While we've found Square works well for us, Nerds Limited is all about bending technology to suit your needs. We've created streamlined systems for 100k/month companies and 2k/month companies alike!  Just like the modern web, all can benefit and everyone's invited! Call or email Nerds Limited 505,750.8885 and ask what's possible. We don't charge for phone time & aren't salesmen.  If we're with clients, leave voicemail for a rapid response. 


Paypal came close to putting the easy in eCommerce, but it wasn't for the retailers.  It was for sellers.  Within a few short years, it was full of fraud and never struck that all important balance between value, convenience, and simplicity.  

SquareUp changed all of that.  So much so that even at Nerds Limited, we proudly accept all major credit cards for services rendered.

Square allows businesses large and small a viable alternative to insanely expensive Point-Of-Sale systems.  (Yes, we too think the acronym fits.)

Think your organization is too complex or large?  Consider this: Starbucks announced they'll be changing their operation over to Square.  

Limited... to what's next. :)

Limited... to what's next. :)